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GP Access- Focus Group Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Vaccination Programme Update – MMR Messaging from NHSE
Quality Improvement (QI) is a commitment to continuously improving the quality of healthcare by focusing on the preferences and needs of the people who use the services. It is an evidence-based approach that helps primary care free up time to deliver initiatives and embed new approaches more effectively and efficiently into practice. QI helps GPs to make the most of their systems, organisations, talents and expertise to deliver better outcomes for patients.
In primary care, we don’t have time or resources to spend on things that don’t work, don’t serve our patients, and that could be done more efficiently or effectively. ‘What good looks like’ changes over time and we want to encourage everyone to engage in QI activities on a broader level, irrespective of where they are on the quality spectrum.
At Bacon Lane Surgery, we are committed to constantly reviewing and improving the service we offer our patients and service users.