Important - UPDATE 22/7/24 Our systems are running again but may be slower than normal. 19/7/24 - A massive worldwide IT outage is affecting our clinical systems. Please bear with us as most of our software is not working

Bacon Lane GP Surgery

11 Bacon Lane, Edgware HA8 5AT

Telephone: 020 8952 5073

If you are unwell and cannot wait until we are next open, please call 111.

Infection Control Statement

We aim to keep our surgery clean and tidy and offer a safe environment to our patients and staff. We are proud of our modern, purpose built Practice and endeavour to keep it clean and well maintained at all times.

If you have any concerns about cleanliness or infection control, please report these to our Reception staff.

Our GPs and nursing staff follow our Infection Control Policy to ensure the care we deliver and the equipment we use is safe.

We take additional measures to ensure we maintain the highest standards:

  • Encourage staff and patients to raise any issues or report any incidents relating to cleanliness and infection control.  We can discuss these and identify improvements we can make to avoid any future problems.
  • Carry out an annual infection control audit to make sure our infection control procedures are working.
  • Provide annual staff updates and training on cleanliness and infection control
  • Review our policies and procedures to make sure they are adequate and meet national guidance.
  • Maintain the premises and equipment to a high standard within the available financial resources and ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to reduce or remove all infection risk.
  • Use washable or disposable materials for items such as couch rolls, modesty curtains, floor coverings, towels etc., and ensure that these are laundered, cleaned or changed frequently to minimise risk of infection.
  • Make Alcohol Hand Rub Gel available throughout the building

Patient information

Together we can fight infection

Any infection can be caught or spread where there are ill people together, this can be in a hospital, a care home a GP surgery or in a public place. The information below explains how you can help the staff to reduce infection and provide a clean and safe environment in which you receive treatment and/ or care. By following the points in this advice, you can help us to prevent vulnerable individuals from picking up an infection and prevent the spread of infections. If people pick up an infection, it can cause discomfort, pain and anxiety.

How does infection spread?

You need a germ. The germ lives in or on its host, another person, an animal, or a contaminated surface (door handle, worktop, equipment).

The germ is passed on by either direct or indirect contact, this can be coughing, sneezing, hand contact with someone who carries the germ on their hand, or by touching a contaminated surface.

If the germ then enters your system and you are not immune to it you can catch the infection. Generally, healthy people are less likely to catch infections, as their immune system should protect them well. But if for any reason your immune system is weaker than normal, you will be more vulnerable and therefore need to protect yourself even more against any infection.

What you can do:

Hand Hygiene:

  • Wash your hands with soap and water after using the toilet
  • Wash your hands before eating / taking medication
  • Where supplied use alcohol hand gel to clean your hands ( hospitals, GP surgeries, care homes, other care settings)
  • Avoid touching your wounds or any indwelling devices you may have (tubes, drains or needles for example.) If you must touch clean your hands before and afterwards.
  • If you are examined or have to have a procedure, do not be afraid to ask the staff if they have washed their hands or used alcohol hand gel first.

Personal Hygiene

  • Please shower or bath, wear clean clothes and check your footwear is not muddy before going to your GP surgery or any other clinical setting.
  • The area where you are receiving treatment/ care should be clean. However, if you are concerned about the cleaning standards, please report it immediately.
  • Children should be discouraged from crawling on the floor and must be supervised at all times.
  • If you receive any treatment or care at home, please provide handwashing facilities where possible, for the person attending to you.

What is a Health Care-Associated Infection (HCAI)?

This is an infection that may affect people when they are receiving healthcare. People may catch these infections in hospitals, care homes, doctors’ surgeries, health centres and even at home if they are being cared for there.

Why do some people get HCAI when receiving healthcare?

There are lots of reasons why someone can develop an HCAI. Being ill or receiving treatment can make your natural defence system (immune system) weaker than usual. Most people won’t pick up an HCAI while they are being treated but it is impossible to completely remove all the risk during healthcare. This is because every disease, condition or procedure and sometimes medication can reduce your natural defences against infection.

What are the most common types of HCAI in hospital?

The most common types of HCAI in hospitals are urine infections, wound infections, skin infections, chest infections & sickness and diarrhoea.

What type of germs cause HCAI?

Some are caused by germs that live normally on our bodies and usually do us no harm such as Staphylococcus aureus, which many people can carry harmlessly in their nose. The most well known are ‘MRSA’, ‘C-diff’ and ‘Norovirus’ MRSA is short for Meticillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus. This bacteria can cause an infection if it gets into a wound, the bloodstream, bladder or lungs. C-diff is short for Clostridium difficile a bacteria that some people have to live naturally in their bowel. For some people, unfortunately, this can develop into diarrhoea and fever (usually after certain kinds of antibiotics). Norovirus causes sickness and diarrhoea. This may last for a couple of days and usually has no lasting effects. This virus is often reported as causing outbreaks of infection in hospitals and care homes. There are also information leaflets available on:

What do we do to prevent HCAI spreading?

Preventing and controlling HCAI is a national priority and all care settings are working hard to prevent the spread of infection in the NHS and care homes.

This includes:

  • Educating staff, patient and visitors on how to prevent and control infections, for example, washing hands regularly; getting support and advice from specialist infection control or health protection staff.
  • Making sure that the NHS and care homes meet government standards on HCAI;
  • Giving people information on how to prevent and control HCAI within all care settings and among members of the public;

HCAI are monitored and reported to Public Health England, for learning and improvement purposes.

What happens if I get an infection?

Your infection could require treatment, which probably can be given to you at home. You may be asked to stay at home for the duration of the treatment and not visit the GP surgery, they may arrange a home visit instead. If you don’t understand your condition and/or treatment please ask a member of staff.

Bacon Lane Surgery

  • Monday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Tuesday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Wednesday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Thursday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Friday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
    1300-1400 - Phone lines may be closed for practice meeting. We will reopen them as soon as the meeting is completed
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
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